Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sick baby = misery

Well it's been another rough day. This cold is really kicking all of our behinds. I didn't feel that well today either which made it all even harder. It's been one long day. Poor Ella has become more or less a whiny, boogery mess. She must feel so awful. It breaks my heart to see her like this. I didn't sleep well last night as I felt I was on alert. Ella kept coughing but going back to sleep all. night. long. Then got up at 5am. Luckily she was able to get back to sleep after eating for a couple more hours. She needed it as she didn't sleep much during the day. Again. I am so ready for this day to be over.

I made Ella peas the other day and she tried some more tonight. She was so grossed out by it that she gagged in disgust. It was a pitiful sight. PLEASE GET BETTER ELLA!!! The sooner the better!!

I baked apples tonight for Ella and we put some in her new mesh feeder. She wasn't all that sure what to do with it, but managed to suck and gnaw on the right end most of the time. ;) Here she is trying it out.

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